Saturday, November 24, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of technology in the 21st century

 Modern technology has the greatest impact towards our daily lives in this generation. living in a single-click-base society is such a wellness living that will leads to easy access to information and communication pursuance. Technology helps to interacts distinct boundaries and connect it as the technology was made for. It riches no exemption as the existence of its connection is present for communication purposes. It innovates the way of living of every people through changes of the convinced of each technological aspects, it gives every human the right for indulgence and pleasure, a sumptuous  living that takes a effort for satisfaction. Hence unfavorable situation takes place at the most precious lure of the humanity. As a part of growing improvement, lost of man power is the most mischievous alter or effect of the modern innovations since machinery and robotics has the greatest accuracy and program precision, it replaces each mans job for it takes only to program them and operate unlike for mistake-prone man power. It is also use for system hacking that ruins the aspect of security and privacy protection. Radiation related has exist due to over exposure to machines and gadgets. It is a tied-up process to balance each principles of advantages and disadvantages of technology, but in the proper usage of it, we are able to be a part the innovation that will surely leads to national and human kind progress.

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